Disassemble and Assemble a Multi Screen Game

In the forum I have added some pictures showing how to assemble the upper part of a Multi Screen Game. If you view the pictures in the opposite order, they show how to disassemble the game. :-)
The pictures are located in the German part of the forum, but I guess the pictures will speak for themselves.
==> To the post in the forum
Pocketsize Collection

Not very many of these Pocketsize versions were produced, this makes them rare or even very rare. Typically it's very difficult to collect them. But now a collector managed to get all of them. See this stunning collection in the picture gallery.
Two versions of J.i21 Donkey Kong

>> Click here to see pictures (FAQ about J.i21)
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Another green Fire FR-27

«I read your article couple days ago about the green Fire FR-27. I believe I have one as well. I bought it loose from a UK seller in Sept 2009 for about US$40. I did not realize it was a green one until I received it and noted the difference. I still have some doubt now but I compared it too another blue version i have and it is a pretty different.
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