Pocketsize / NOA FAQ
by Devster
Hi and welcome to my Pocketsize / NOA FAQ!
As with any information site, I would like to think of my FAQ as a works in progress, as there are still many questions that remain unanswered and conflicting views on some points. To this end, when new information is discovered the FAQ will be updated.
So kick back and enjoy! And don't forget, if you notice something that is not in the list or have a different view, don't keep it to yourself, let us know!
Q. What does NOA stand for?
A. Nintendo of America
Q. So what's the difference between NOA and Nintendo?
A. Nintendo Co. Ltd. of Kyoto, Japan is the original company (the daddy), in 1980 they decided it was time to break into the American market place in a big way, rather than exporting their games to America as they had done previously. They created a wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc. in New York and started selling the GAME & WATCH product line.
In 1982 they merged the New York subsidiary into Nintendo of America Inc. based in Seattle, Washington which became their Headquarters.
In 1983 they established Nintendo Entertainment Centres Ltd. in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. GAME & WATCH would be sold in Canada as well.
Q. If I want to write to them, what's the address?
A. Nintendo of America, Inc. 4820, 150th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Q. So, where do Pocketsize games fit in then?
A. Pocketsize was the name given to the GAME & WATCH released by NOA. Some people call them PS for short.
Q. Right, so Pocketsize games were only sold in American and Canada?
A. No, they were actually sold in the Europe, but this didn't happen untill 1986 and the number of titles was much smaller, only 5.
Q. Were Pocketsize different to the standard releases and how can I tell the difference?
A. Yes they were and the difference was with the box, not the games. The PS range came with colourful boxes, typically with cartoon like characters. As well as the bright artwork they also carried the Pocketsize logo.
Q. I've heard that they are more collectable than all the other games, is this true?
A. Well, collecting is very subjective, but one thing is for sure, the PS range is very popular because of their colourful artwork. This is one of the main reasons that they have become so collectable, added to that, there was a relatively short timeframe in production, surviving examples are very scarce. So the reasons to collect PS are two fold, they are rare and they are beautiful!!!
Q. So when were the games released?
A. Popular belief is 1983 - 1985 for the US and Canadian releases. Then 1986 - 1989 for the International PS games.
Here is an email from someone at Nintendo that sort of confirms this. It would make sense that the games were only made between 83 and 85, but that does not mean to say that Nelsonic did not continue to sell them after this date. This evidence would also confirm why so few PS exist! - By the way, by import, I would assume they mean Japan.
Hello, Nintendo has not distributed Game & Watch products since 1985, but we authorized another company to import them into the U.S., Nelsonic/MZ Berger, which they did until 1990. We do not have any information on titles, dealers, retailers, and etc.
Nintendo of America Inc.
Andi Anderson
Q. How many Pocketsize games were there?
A. Including the International releases, there were 25 games in all.
Q. There were 60 (or 59 to some people) games released in the standard versions, so if there are only 25 PS, what series did they release?
A. The PS range covered mainly Widescreen, New Widescreen and Multiscreen games.
Q. I'm getting a little bit bored and I want some action. Can I see the games?
A. Yes, here they are are!
Beside these 25 games, there are a few which don't have the PS-Logo imprinted on the box:
Q. I've heard that the games released after 1986 are not really Pocketsize?
A. No, that's not true. They may not be as popular, but they do carry the Pocketsize logo. For that reason they must be included. The first editions did have cartoon type artwork on the reverse of the box, but not anything like the quality of the original, first releases of PS, 2nd editions had barcodes (arrrgh!). This ultimatlely makes them less desirable than the original PS and because there were plenty of them made, you won't have much trouble finding one, which also decreases the value and desirablility.
Q. Did they release every game in the series that you mentioned?
A. No, Egg was never released as this was a game sold in the Oceanic regions instead of Mickey Mouse, which was made into a PS game (Egg and Mickey Mouse is another story altogether!).
Turtle Bridge and Chef were apparently never released either, although it is difficult to figure out why? With all other Widescreen games being released, it seems strange that these two were left out. One explanation could be that the games were not released in the same order as standard releases and then PS production stoped, without these two ever making it to the market. Only the first three games of the New Widescreen versions were released in PS form, whilst all the Mulitscreens got the 'PS treatment'!
One thing is for sure, if either of these two games turned up, they would be worth a pretty penny! And if you have ever wondered what they might look like, Andy Cole a veteran collector, gave us all a taste a while back with this fantastic Chef PS design.
Q. Turtle bridge and Chef must exist, where is the proof that they didn't?
A. Well, we can't say for sure, but there are no pictures to be found anywhere of those two games, no mention of them in any literature and no collectors old or new that have thus far, been able to verify their existence. Also we know NOA continued to release other series, so it would be strange to go back to that series. But it still doesn't mean they don't exsist. So if you find one, let me know!! :)
Q. Literature, what literature?
A. NOA produced a leaflet/brochure with the games listed inside, two versions exist. It is not known if these were in the box at the start or given out when the game was purchased. A lot of games sold on eBay come with them, but it's hard to tell how they were come by. For example, there have been some factory condition PS sold on eBay without the leaflets. They also showcased other NOA releases.
1st Version (Outside)
1st Version (Inside)
2nd Version (Outside)
2nd Version (Inside)